IYOG2022 is a reality

Congratulations to all those across the globe who have laboured and succeeded in the long-held vision of the International Commission on Glass(ICG) for the United Nations General Assembly to declare the International Year of Glass 2022! (IYoG2022). This is a monumental achievement! Work is now underway to orchestrate an international program of activities and events that will underline the technological, scientific, economic, environmental, historical and artistic roles of glass in the modern age; emphasizing the possibilities this medium offers for many of the world’s current challenges. Australia has been in the thick of planning through people such as Dr Bronwyn Hughes, OAM [GLAAS Inc. [Aust.]) who chairs the ICG regional steering committee and an artistic glass working group that looks at planning for the Oceania region (includes Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and Philippines). Ausglass is pleased to be a part of this working group and will contribute to the 2022 program of glass-related activities that celebrate IYoG2022. See more details here.
